Cash Register Journal

Description of Report's Use:

The recap's magnetic version of the receipt tape can be run by register and associate for a desired date range. Also, it has an option to suspect transaction reporting. Simply check the box next to the type of suspect transaction (void, discount, return, and many more) you would like to audit, then pick the desired time frame and TAM will do the rest!


Selection Screen:



View Cash Register Journal Report


Columns Included On Report:

Location Number, Register Number, Transaction Number, Sales Date, Date/Time Created, Cash Register Mode, Date Voided, Void Indicator, Tax Exempt Number, Customer Number (Layaway Number or Gift Certificate Number), Tax Amount, Total Sale,  Associate Name, Original Associate, Gift Registry Number, Order Number, Postal Code, Member Number,  Item Number, SKU Number, Receipt Description, Units, Unit Price, Extended Price, Discount, Refund, Tax Area, Reference, and Authorizing Manager

Grouping Options:

Not Applicable

Sorting Options:

Location, Sale Date and Time, Transaction, Register

Filtering Available:

Not Applicable


Sales Management



Location Availability:

Main and Remote